
Dahlia joined the group for meals after Lotus, Wednesday and Morticia had become regulars. She is all black, like Lotus, so we chose a floral name to keep with the theme (Black Lotus, Black Dahlia). Dahlia is a bit smaller than Lotus and her tail is slightly different; other than this, it is very difficult to tell the two of them apart!

At mealtime, Dahlia likes to approach us as we put out the food, and then she backs up, hissing at us. During her recovery from her spay, we realized that she is the most frightened of our adult barn cats. When we came into the bathroom for her daily care, she was normally hiding in a small space between the wall and the bathroom cabinet. She did allow us to pet her, but she preferred to be left to herself. We recorded her release back into the barn, and turned the footage into a Reel to showcase the process.

These days we know that if we see Dahlia, it means that Flurry is nearby, and vice versa. Those girls are besties. They play in the grass together, scratch trees together, cuddle on our outdoor countertop, and come into the barn to eat together.

Birth year: ~2022

Likes: wet food, cuddling and playing with Flurry, hissing at humans, scratching on trees

Dislikes: people being too close!

Veterinary Team:

  • Veterinarian: Dr. Tucker, Hayden Veterinary Clinic, Hayden, AL


Average monthly cost for basic care: $60

Want to support our sanctuary?

You can sponsor this resident to help offset costs for food and enrichment.